Neighbourhood walkability and transportation and leisure physical activity by residency status: A cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative Canadian data
The relationship between neighbourhood built characteristics, physical activity, and health-related fitness in urban dwelling Canadian adults: a mediation analysis
The British Columbia Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupon Program reduces short-term household food insecurity among adults with low incomes: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Mediation analysis of the associations between neighbourhood walkability and greenness, accelerometer-measured physical activity, and health-related fitness in urban dwelling Canadians
Link between neighborhood environments and likelihood of metabolic syndrome: can designing more active neighborhoods help enhance metabolic health and prevent cardiovascular diseases?
An observational study on play and physical activity associated with a recreational facility-led park-based “loose parts” play intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic
The contribution of modifiable risk factors to socioeconomic inequities in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality: a nationally representative population-based cohort study
The contribution of modifiable risk factors to socioeconomic inequalities in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality: a nationally representative population-based cohort study
Impact of a farmers’ market healthy food subsidy on the diet quality of adults with low incomes in British Columbia, Canada: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
A healthy food prescription incentive program for adults with type 2 diabetes who are experiencing food insecurity: protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study